If you want a healthy smile, conscientious brushing and flossing are non-negotiable. Good oral hygiene combined with semi-annual preventive cleanings and exams in Winston-Salem, NC is the best (and only) way you can enjoy a problem-free smile.
When thinking about your oral hygiene, it’s good to establish a routine. Performing the same actions at the same time every day will gradually get you into the groove so brushing and flossing become second nature.
Despite your best intentions, it’s easy to get sloppy with your brushing and flossing habits. The best way to get back on track is by talking to one of our hygienists about proper techniques. If you are going to make the effort, you should be sure you are getting the most out of it.
Proper At-Home Oral Hygiene Habits
You should plan to brush twice a day and floss once, and the whole process shouldn’t take more than five minutes. Start a timer or put on one of your favorite songs so you can be sure you are brushing long enough.
Flossing is critical, but if you aren’t doing it properly, you may be doing more harm than good. Form the floss into a “C” shape and clean one side of a tooth then move to the other side. Change the floss for each tooth because reusing it can actually spread plaque to other teeth.
Dental Cleanings in Winston-Salem
At our Winston-Salem dental practice, we are always more than happy to take time to explain proper hygiene techniques. If you need a refresher, please make an appointment and we will be happy to get you back on track!