When you visit your Winston-Salem dentist for a routine dental cleaning, you probably assume they will look for signs of cavities and gum disease. However, have you ever wondered if visiting your dentist for a dental cleaning twice a year can also detect other dental issues?
What Dental Issues Can a Dental Cleaning Detect?
Other than tooth decay and signs of gum disease, a dental cleaning is essential because it can potentially detect any of the following dental issues:
Bruxism and TMJ – Your dentist will check your jaw for problems with the temporomandibular joint.
Oral cancer – Your dentist will visually examine your mouth to check for white or red spots or any other abnormalities that could be cancerous.
Misaligned bite – Your dentist will check your bite to ensure it isn’t causing issues with your speech or your ability to chew.
Face or neck abnormalities – Your dentist will examine your face, neck, and the inside and the outside of your mouth for any swollen lymph nodes or a swollen thyroid. They may refer you to an expert in this area if they notice anything unusual.
Do You and Your Family Need Dental Cleanings in Winston-Salem?
If you need dental cleanings or dental exams in Winston-Salem, call Jeffrey J. Tibbs, DDS, to schedule an appointment. You can reach our dental office at (336) 765-7477.